pfs m4one
REVVOPS V8 is native
binary performance
infrastructure as code
(IaC) software, for
desired state
cloud infrastructure

Learn more about the REVVOPS V8 CLI
C:\revvops-v8.0.75-windows-x64>revvops up --arch=revvops-one
V8.0.75 for Windows 64 bit()
pfs m4two
pfs m4three

Dynamic Balanced is available with five levels of performance tuning.
pfs sellingv8exr

pfs selling
EL2 is EC2 Linux Launch - powerfully functional #infrastructureascode (
Twitter hashtag
search link (opens
in a new browser tab
or window)
) to create your AWS infrastructure link (opens
in a new browser tab
or window)
pfs linux164x4v4ec2
Amazon Linux 2

Ubuntu Trusty

Ubuntu Xenial

CentOS 6

CentOS 7

CentOS 7 CPE

CentOS 8 CPE

CentOS Stream 8

Debian 8 Jessie

Debian 9 Stretch

Debian 10 Buster

Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL 6

Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL 7

Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL 8

SUSE Linux Enterprise 12

SUSE Linux Enterprise 15

pfs rvv 9000 text splash
$ ssh -ldevops localhost -p 2222
Linux stretch 4.9.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.168-1 (2019-04-12) x86_64
____ ____ ____ ____
________ _ ___ ______ ____ _____ / __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \
/ ___/ _ \ | / / | / / __ \/ __ \/ ___/ / /_/ / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / __/ |/ /| |/ / /_/ / /_/ (__ ) \__, / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /
/_/ \___/|___/ |___/\____/ .___/____/ /____/\____/\____/\____/
Terraformation v7.4.2
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Thu Oct 28 15:37:32 2021
pfs paraphrase m1
'One-click' AWS automation with migrative OpenStack port options
Precision infrastructure provisioning for any DevOps workflow
Precision infrastructure provisioning for any DevOps workflow
pfs motif fw 168
Automated launch of 16 Linux versions
Data sources to find the latest AMI in any AWS region
8 supported distributions including Debian and CentOS CPE
Data sources to find the latest AMI in any AWS region
8 supported distributions including Debian and CentOS CPE
pfs motif fw arm
Graviton ARM 64 bit AMI locator
Burstable T4g Linux Instance Support
Plus m6g, m6gd, m6gd.metal, c6g, c6gd, c6gd.metal, c6gn, r6g, r6g.metal, r6gd, r6gd.metal, x2gd and x2gd.metal
Burstable T4g Linux Instance Support
Plus m6g, m6gd, m6gd.metal, c6g, c6gd, c6gd.metal, c6gn, r6g, r6g.metal, r6gd, r6gd.metal, x2gd and x2gd.metal
pfs motif fw accident
EL2 launch block
Instance count based safety
Threshold configurable
Instance count based safety
Threshold configurable
For heavily specified instances and/or AWS accounts that permit high instance count launches, costly launch accidents can be prevented.
pfs motif fw modulo distribution
EC2 Instance Modulo Distribution :
Evenly distribute instances across Availability Zones
Distributive migration of single Availability Zone instance populations
All with stateful Availability Zone selection
Evenly distribute instances across Availability Zones
Distributive migration of single Availability Zone instance populations
All with stateful Availability Zone selection
pfs motif fw ec2pro
Embedded Multi-paradigm Per Instance Interpolative Provisioning
pfs motif fw cloud initT333333
Canonical's Cloud-init for EC2 provisioning support in dual formats :
pfs motif fw security groups
Integrated embeddable security group rules configuration
pfs motif fw placement groups
Placement Group strategy support for use within and across Availability Zones :
'Cluster' strategy
'Partition' strategy
'Spread' strategy
'Partition' strategy
'Spread' strategy
pfs virtualbox starting
pfs cygwin terminal